onsdag 31 augusti 2016

A short introductory post


This is my first post in this blog, of hopefully many to come. I am planning on using this blog for anything I want to write regarding tabletop games, tabletop roleplaying, and other things relating to that.

So, why do I want to write about tabletop roleplaying and other such things? I guess the short answer is because I love it. I love the creative process that goes into creating worlds, characters and stories. I love interacting with other PC's (Player Characters) and NPCs (Non-Player Characters). I love reading about the mechanics of various game systems - though I do not claim to be an expert really. Anyway, this will be my forum for talking about all this and more. Hopefully others will enjoy it as well. :)

This will only be a short, introductory post, but hopefully I will have something better soon. See you all then!

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